Welcome to the web site of the Bad Dürkheimer Museumsgesellschaft e.V. („Museum Society“)
In addition to the task of presenting it’s collections to the public in collaboration with the city council (Historic Museum), the „museum society“ is dedicated to the protection and interpretation of historic literature and documents relating to the city and the Palatinate region (SCHLARB library), the study and protection of the local nature (POLLICHIA) and the conservation and exhibition of important local Roman finds (open air museum Roman vineyard Weilberg).
It offers its members excursions to historic and natural attractions. Throughout the year there are lectures on various topics for members and guests, often in conjunction with special exhibits of the museum. Special exhibitions arranged in collaboration with the city council complete the offer. New members, visitors and helpers are always welcome.
In 1997 the Museum Society celebrated its 125th Birthday. In August 1991 Diplom-Ingenieur Hans Pfau made the Museum Society his sole beneficiary and the Hans Pfau Foundation was established. This foundation has helped the society to acquire it’s own house which was opened in May 2001 after extensive renovations. It houses some of the collections, the archives of the society and the office of the chairman.
The origins of our collection originates from the private collections of the founders of the „Altertumsverein in Bad Dürkheim 1872. The donated their archeological findings, historic documents, cultural items from the household, crafts and viniculture of the region. Additionally the were paintings of regional artists and other items. A focus has always been the archeology – the Museum Society owns the second largest archeological collection after the Historic Museum of the Pfalz in Speyer. The collections were and still are complemented by donations from the population as well as by individual purchases.
At the moment we are conducting the third inventory using the First Rumos software system. Employees of the city council are helping here and members of the Museum Society join in for free or for small payments. Currently we are focussing on the addition of Roman coins.